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  • namespace Auki
    • namespace ConjureKit
      • namespace Vikja
        • class EntityAction
          Inner value type of the Vikja key-key-value store. An EntityAction contains the outer Vikja key (EntityId), inner Vikja key (Name), an arbitrary byte array (Data), and a timestamp (Timestamp).
        • class Vikja
          The Vikja module implements a centralized key-value store in the form of a dictionary of dictionaries. The keys of the outer dictionary are Entity ids while the keys of the inner dictionaries are strings. The inner value type is EntityAction, comprising an arbitrary byte array, a timestamp, as well as the outer and inner keys that index the EntityAction.
  • namespace Auki::ConjureKit::Vikja::Protobuf::Gen
  • namespace Auki::Util
  • namespace Auki::Util::Protobuf
  • namespace Auki::Util::Protobuf::WellKnownTypes
  • namespace EntityActionRequest
  • namespace MsgType
  • namespace System
  • namespace System::Collections::Generic
  • namespace System::Reflection
  • namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices