struct Enumerator Enumerator for a BitwiseNativeArrayView.
class CeresLighthousePoseEstimator Estimates the pose of a lighthouse QR code given its corners in texture space. Uses Ceres Solver for the optimization, which is part of the ConjureKit Ceres module.
struct CornerRayDistances This struct is used mainly internally by TryEstimatePose, to pass the initial guess and retrieve the best fit distances to each corners.
struct CornerRays Data struct representing the four corner rays of a detected QR code. Each ray starts from the camera position and goes "into the screen" towards the corner.
class CoordinateEnvironment Holds transformation matrices and converts points, directions and poses from one coordinate system to another.
class Debug The following class allows using different logging methods by overriding the standard Debug.Log calls. This prevents having debugging logs/warning/errors appearing on public Release. When DEBUG is defined, standard Unity functions are used (no change in default behaviour). When !DEBUG and TRACE is defined, Trace will be used (allows to read such logs when someone in Release really wants to). When none is defined, silences any logs.
class DefaultTextureToNDCMatrices Provides utility methods for calculating the texture-to-NDC (normalized coordinates) matrix in various screen orientations. This functionality is provided for each use case supported in Unity.
interface IPoseEstimator Tries to estimate a pose from a set of corners with given parameters.
interface IPositioner Converts points from normalized coordinates to coordinates of a specific quadrilateral defined by the coordinates of its 4 corners.