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Workstation Requirements

  • Unity Hub and Unity Editor 2020.3+
  • Nodejs >= 16

npm is required to sign in to Auki's scoped registry and get access to ConjureKit packages.


  • macOS Monterey or later
  • an Apple Developer Account
  • XCode
  • iPhone X or higher


  • Windows 7 (SP1+) 64-bit only or macOS Monterey or later
  • ARCore compatible phone (see the device list here)

The following Android devices are confirmed to work well:

  • OnePlus 7 Pro
  • Google Pixel 4 XL
  • Google Pixel 7 Pro
  • Google Pixel 6 Pro
  • Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
  • Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
  • Samsung A53 5G
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab S7
  • Samsung FE 21
  • Poco X3 pro


  1. Create a new organization account at
  2. Click "apps" in the left-hand panel to add an app to your organization.
  3. Save your app_key and app_secret somewhere safe. They won't be displayed in the console again!

Create a new project

Open Unity Hub and create a new 3D Project using Unity Editor 2021 (preferably an LTS version).

Setting up ConjureKit

Setting up Node.js on Windows

One way to quickly install Node.js is via Chocolatey, installed following the official guide.

Once installation is complete, you can run from a new Powershell window:

choco install nodejs

Setting up Node.js on Mac

A quick way to install Node.js on Mac is to run is through Homebrew

brew install node

Verify Node.js is correctly configured

To check you have all you need and node/npm versions are correct, you should be able to run from any console:

node -v
npm -v

Node should be equal or above the min version suggested in the Prerequisites.

Authenticate towards the registry

ConjureKit and its related packages are distributed through our registry ( To log in to the registry, run from any location:

npx conjurekit-setup@latest login

And enter the same credentials you use to access Then run:

npx conjurekit-setup@latest configure --project-type Unity

Add the Auki Labs registry to your project

Now that you have configured access to the registry, you need to add it to Unity. You can add new scoped registries in Unity inside Project Settings -> Package Manager.

In detail:

  1. Click the left-hand '+' to add a scoped registry.
  2. Set the Name, URL, and Scope(s) fields as below.
  3. Click "Apply".
name: Auki Labs
scopes: com.aukilabs

Installing ConjureKit


Adding the registry item BEFORE completing the credentials setup will result in no My Registries menu item visible in Package Manager or no Auki Labs section within it. If this happens to you, once you complete authentication, make sure you restart Unity and open Package Manager again.

With the registry configured, restart Unity to see the registry added to the Unity package manager under My Registries. You can now install ConjureKit and related modules from here:


Make sure Manager Stripping Level is Minimal in Edit->Project Settings->Player->Other Settings otherwise, some ConjureKit code might get stripped when building, resulting in unexpected behavior. managed-stripping-level