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Auki Unity Ark module provides access to QR corner detection, bit array scanning, pose estimation and pose optimization functions.

Public Functions

async Task< IReadOnlyList<(IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > Corners, IReadOnlyList< bool > BitArray, int Size, uint Framestamp)> >ParseTextureForQRs(Texture texture)
Given a Texture object the function will try to find QR codes and for each will extract a n-tuple containing detected QR corners, bit array, size (bit array width and height), framestamp. The corners will be ordered top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left.
bool Pose float ConfidenceEstimatePose(IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners, float sideLengthInM, Matrix4x4 textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix, Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix)
bool Pose float ConfidenceEstimatePose(IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners, float sideLengthInM, CoordinateEnvironment coordinateEnvironment)
PoseOptimizePose(IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners, Pose poseToOptimize, float sideLengthInM, CoordinateEnvironment coordinateEnvironment, float optimizationTimeLimitInMs =2)
Tries to apply optimization to find a better fit according to an integrated cost function.
PoseOptimizePose(Pose poseToOptimize, Func< Pose, float > costFunction, float optimizationTimeLimitInMs)
Tries to apply optimization to find a better fit according to a given cost function.
voidSetScannerDebugTexture(RenderTexture debugRenderTexture)
(Internal) Sets a texture that the scanner will draw debug info on.
voidSetScannerDebugMode(bool showEdges, bool showCandidates, bool showFinders, bool showMarkers, bool showBits)
(Internal) Configures what scanner debug information should be drawn on the debug texture.

Public Attributes

Estimate the pose in world space for a given set of QR code corners, a given physical side length, a given textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix, a given projectionMatrix and worldToCameraMatrix.
bool PosePose

Public Functions Documentation

function ParseTextureForQRs

static async Task< IReadOnlyList<(IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > Corners, IReadOnlyList< bool > BitArray, int Size, uint Framestamp)> > ParseTextureForQRs(
Texture texture

Given a Texture object the function will try to find QR codes and for each will extract a n-tuple containing detected QR corners, bit array, size (bit array width and height), framestamp. The corners will be ordered top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left.


  • texture Texture that will be scanned for QR codes.

Return: An awaitable Task that returns a list of n-tuples.

function EstimatePose

static bool Pose float Confidence EstimatePose(
IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners,
float sideLengthInM,
Matrix4x4 textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix,
Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix,
Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix

function EstimatePose

static bool Pose float Confidence EstimatePose(
IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners,
float sideLengthInM,
CoordinateEnvironment coordinateEnvironment

function OptimizePose

static Pose OptimizePose(
IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners,
Pose poseToOptimize,
float sideLengthInM,
CoordinateEnvironment coordinateEnvironment,
float optimizationTimeLimitInMs =2

Tries to apply optimization to find a better fit according to an integrated cost function.


  • corners Corners of the QR code in texture coordinate system.
  • poseToOptimize Pose that will be optimized.
  • sideLengthInM Physical size of QR code (in meters).
  • coordinateEnvironment Instance of CoordinateEnvironment corresponding to the captured frame.
  • optimizationTimeLimitInMs How long (in milliseconds) is the optimization algorithm allowed to run (2 ms by default).

Return: Optimized pose if a lower cost one was found, the original poseToOptimize if not.

function OptimizePose

static Pose OptimizePose(
Pose poseToOptimize,
Func< Pose, float > costFunction,
float optimizationTimeLimitInMs

Tries to apply optimization to find a better fit according to a given cost function.


  • poseToOptimize Pose that will be optimized.
  • costFunction Function that returns the cost of a given pose.
  • optimizationTimeLimitInMs How long (in milliseconds) is the optimization algorithm allowed to run.

Return: Optimized pose if a lower cost one was found, the original poseToOptimize if not.

function SetScannerDebugTexture

static void SetScannerDebugTexture(
RenderTexture debugRenderTexture

(Internal) Sets a texture that the scanner will draw debug info on.


  • debugRenderTexture Target texture.

function SetScannerDebugMode

static void SetScannerDebugMode(
bool showEdges,
bool showCandidates,
bool showFinders,
bool showMarkers,
bool showBits

(Internal) Configures what scanner debug information should be drawn on the debug texture.


  • showEdges Draw edges.
  • showCandidates Draw finder candidates.
  • showFinders Draw finders.
  • showMarkers Draw markers.
  • showBits Draw bits.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Succeeded

static bool Succeeded;

Estimate the pose in world space for a given set of QR code corners, a given physical side length, a given textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix, a given projectionMatrix and worldToCameraMatrix.


  • corners Corners of the QR code in texture coordinate system.
  • sideLengthInM Physical size of QR code (in meters).
  • textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix Transformation matrix between texture space and projected coordinates space.
  • projectionMatrix Camera projection matrix.
  • worldToCameraMatrix World to camera transformation matrix.
  • corners Corners of the QR code in texture coordinate system.
  • sideLengthInM Physical size of QR code (in meters).
  • coordinateEnvironment Instance of CoordinateEnvironment corresponding to the captured frame.


  • A triple containing a bool if the estimation Succeeded, a pose in world space and a confidence value (0.0 (worst) - 1.0 (best)). It will return Pose.identity on failure.
  • A triple containing a bool if the estimation Succeeded, a pose in world space and a confidence value (0.0 (worst) - 1.0 (best)). It will return Pose.identity on failure.

Estimate the pose in world space for a given set of QR code corners, a given physical sidelength, and a given CoordinateEnvironment.

variable Pose

static bool Pose Pose;