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Inherits from Auki.Ark.IPositioner

Public Functions

HarmonicPositioner(Vector2 tl, Vector2 tr, Vector2 br, Vector2 bl)
Constructor a positioner from coordinates of 4 corners of a quadrilateral.
Vector2PctPositioner(Vector2 pctPt)
Converts from normalized vector coordinates to coordinates in the quadrilateral's coordinate system.
Vector2InversePctPositioner(Vector2 pt)
Converts from coordinates in the quadrilateral's coordinate system to normalized coordinates.
Vector2TL_TR_positioner(float pct)
Converts normalized value to coordinates along the top left corner to top right corner edge (points A and B). pctPercent along A-B edge Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system
Vector2BL_BR_positioner(float pct)
Converts normalized value to coordinates along the bottom left corner to bottom right corner edge (points D and C). pctPercent along D-C edge Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system
Vector2TL_BL_positioner(float pct)
Converts normalized value to coordinates along the top left corner to bottom left corner edge (points A and D). pctPercent along A-D edge Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system
Vector2TR_BR_positioner(float pct)
Converts normalized value to coordinates along the top right corner to bottom right corner edge (points B and C). pctPercent along B-C edge Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system

Public Properties

Coordinate of the focal point where the top and bottom edges intersect in 2D.
Coordinate of the focal point where the left and right edges intersect in 2D.
Coordinates of top left corner.
Coordinates of top right corner.
Coordinates of bottom right corner.
Coordinates of bottom left corner.

Public Functions Documentation

function HarmonicPositioner

Vector2 tl,
Vector2 tr,
Vector2 br,
Vector2 bl

Constructor a positioner from coordinates of 4 corners of a quadrilateral.


  • tl Coordinates of top left corner
  • tr Coordinates of top right corner
  • br Coordinates of bottom right corner
  • bl Coordinates of bottom left corner

function PctPositioner

Vector2 PctPositioner(
Vector2 pctPt

Converts from normalized vector coordinates to coordinates in the quadrilateral's coordinate system.


  • pctPt Vector with normalized coordinates

Return: Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system

function InversePctPositioner

Vector2 InversePctPositioner(
Vector2 pt

Converts from coordinates in the quadrilateral's coordinate system to normalized coordinates.


  • pt Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system


  • ArithmeticException Thrown when provided coordinates are outside of checkerboard horizon

Return: Coordinates of a point in normalized coordinates

function TL_TR_positioner

Vector2 TL_TR_positioner(
float pct

Converts normalized value to coordinates along the top left corner to top right corner edge (points A and B). pctPercent along A-B edge Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::TL_TR_positioner

function BL_BR_positioner

Vector2 BL_BR_positioner(
float pct

Converts normalized value to coordinates along the bottom left corner to bottom right corner edge (points D and C). pctPercent along D-C edge Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::BL_BR_positioner

function TL_BL_positioner

Vector2 TL_BL_positioner(
float pct

Converts normalized value to coordinates along the top left corner to bottom left corner edge (points A and D). pctPercent along A-D edge Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::TL_BL_positioner

function TR_BR_positioner

Vector2 TR_BR_positioner(
float pct

Converts normalized value to coordinates along the top right corner to bottom right corner edge (points B and C). pctPercent along B-C edge Coordinates of point in the quadrilateral's coordinate system

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::TR_BR_positioner

Public Property Documentation

property Oh

Vector2 Oh;

Coordinate of the focal point where the top and bottom edges intersect in 2D.

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::Oh

property Ov

Vector2 Ov;

Coordinate of the focal point where the left and right edges intersect in 2D.

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::Ov

property A

Vector2 A;

Coordinates of top left corner.

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::A

property B

Vector2 B;

Coordinates of top right corner.

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::B

property C

Vector2 C;

Coordinates of bottom right corner.

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::C

property D

Vector2 D;

Coordinates of bottom left corner.

Reimplements: Auki::Ark::IPositioner::D