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Represents a Lighthouse - object recognized through computer vision that can be used to calculate a relative Pose.

Public Types

enum classLighthouseType { Static = 1, Dynamic = 2}
Lighthouse enumerated type.

Public Functions

Lighthouse(string sessionId, uint participantId)
Constructor for dynamic Lighthouses.
Lighthouse(string staticLighthouseId)
Constructor for static Lighthouses.
Frees up allocated resources.
boolIsDifferent(Lighthouse lighthouse, string content)
Use to compare a Lighthouse with a given content string.
boolIsDifferent(Lighthouse lighthouse, string sessionId, UInt32 participantId)
Use to compare a Lighthouse with given Session & Participant ids.
boolIsQRCodeValid(string qrData)
Checks if a given QR code is a valid Lighthouse.
LighthouseFromQRData(string qrData, float physicalSize =0.0254f)
Creates a Lighthouse from a QR code string.

Public Properties

Gets Lighthouse id.

Public Attributes

readonly LighthouseTypeType
Lighthouse type.
readonly stringStaticId
Static Lighthouse id.
readonly stringSessionId
Session id (for dynamic Lighthouses).
readonly uintParticipantId
Participant id (for dynamic Lighthouses).
Physical size of the Lighthouse (in meters).
readonly Texture2DTexture
Texture containing the generated QR code for the Lighthouse.

Public Types Documentation

enum LighthouseType

Static1Static Lighthouse type - bearing a fixed spatial relationship to its environment.
Dynamic2Dynamic Lighthouse type - displayed on a handheld or a moving device screen.

Lighthouse enumerated type.

Public Functions Documentation

function Lighthouse

string sessionId,
uint participantId

Constructor for dynamic Lighthouses.


  • sessionId Session id
  • participantId Participant id

function Lighthouse

string staticLighthouseId

Constructor for static Lighthouses.


  • staticLighthouseId Id

function Dispose

void Dispose()

Frees up allocated resources.

function IsDifferent

static bool IsDifferent(
Lighthouse lighthouse,
string content

Use to compare a Lighthouse with a given content string.


  • lighthouse Lighthouse we want to compare
  • content Content string we want to compare

Return: true if different, false if equal

function IsDifferent

static bool IsDifferent(
Lighthouse lighthouse,
string sessionId,
UInt32 participantId

Use to compare a Lighthouse with given Session & Participant ids.


  • lighthouse Lighthouse we want to compare
  • sessionId Session id
  • participantId Participant id

Return: true if different, false if equal

function IsQRCodeValid

static bool IsQRCodeValid(
string qrData

Checks if a given QR code is a valid Lighthouse.


  • qrData QR string that is going to be verified

Return: true if valid, false if invalid

function FromQRData

static Lighthouse FromQRData(
string qrData,
float physicalSize =0.0254f

Creates a Lighthouse from a QR code string.


  • qrData QR code string
  • physicalSize Physical size of Lighthouse (in meters)

Return: A Lighthouse object created from given data

Public Property Documentation

property Id

string Id;

Gets Lighthouse id.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Type

readonly LighthouseType Type;

Lighthouse type.

variable StaticId

readonly string StaticId;

Static Lighthouse id.

variable SessionId

readonly string SessionId;

Session id (for dynamic Lighthouses).

variable ParticipantId

readonly uint ParticipantId;

Participant id (for dynamic Lighthouses).

variable PhysicalSize

float PhysicalSize;

Physical size of the Lighthouse (in meters).

variable Texture

readonly Texture2D Texture;

Texture containing the generated QR code for the Lighthouse.