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Base class for ConjureKit modules.

Inherits from Auki.ConjureKit.IConjureKitModule

Public Functions

virtual Tuple< uint, uint >_GetMessageTypeRange()
(Internal) Returns the message type range expected by the module.
virtual void_HandleMessage(uint messageType, byte[] data)
(Internal) Handles a message.
virtual void_Update()
(Internal) Game loop per-frame update.
virtual void_Init(Action onComplete, Action< string > onFailed)
(Internal) Called by ConjureKit.Init() for post-constructor online initializations.
ConjureKitModule(IConjureKit conjureKit)
Base constructor for AukiModules.

Public Attributes

Tuple< uint, uint >NoMessageRange
(Internal) Default range for no messages expected by the module.

Protected Attributes

(Internal) IConjureKit-implementing object that manages the module.

Public Functions Documentation

function _GetMessageTypeRange

virtual Tuple< uint, uint > _GetMessageTypeRange()

(Internal) Returns the message type range expected by the module.

Return: Message type range tuple

function _HandleMessage

virtual void _HandleMessage(
uint messageType,
byte[] data

(Internal) Handles a message.


  • messageType Message type
  • data Byte array-encoded data

function _Update

virtual void _Update()

(Internal) Game loop per-frame update.

function _Init

virtual void _Init(
Action onComplete,
Action< string > onFailed

(Internal) Called by ConjureKit.Init() for post-constructor online initializations.

function ConjureKitModule

IConjureKit conjureKit

Base constructor for AukiModules.


  • conjureKit IConjureKit-implementing object


  • Exception Throws an exception if the IConjureKit-implementing object is null

Public Attributes Documentation

variable NoMessageRange

static Tuple< uint, uint > NoMessageRange = new (0, 0);

(Internal) Default range for no messages expected by the module.

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable _conjureKit

IConjureKit _conjureKit;

(Internal) IConjureKit-implementing object that manages the module.