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NativeArray View interface constrained to read-only operation, which indexes single bits in the array. This tool allows to pass a span of any existing NativeArray of bits without need of copying.

Inherits from IEnumerable, IEnumerable< bool >, IReadOnlyList< bool >

Public Classes

Enumerator for iterating over the bits in the BitwiseNativeArrayView..

Public Functions

BitwiseNativeArrayView(NativeArray< uint > buffer, int startIndexInBits, int lengthInBits)
Initializes a new instance of the BitwiseNativeArrayView structure, which provides read-only access to individual bits in a NativeArray of uint values.
Converts the view to a boolean array. This involves a new array being created.
Provides an enumerator for iterating over the bits in the BitwiseNativeArrayView.
IEnumerator< bool > IEnumerable< bool >.GetEnumerator()
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()

Public Properties

Gets the total number of bits in the view.
Gets the total number of bits in the view.
unsafe boolthis[int index]
Gets the value of the bit at the specified index.
unsafe boolIsCreated
Gets a value indicating whether the BitwiseNativeArrayView is created.

Public Functions Documentation

function BitwiseNativeArrayView

NativeArray< uint > buffer,
int startIndexInBits,
int lengthInBits

Initializes a new instance of the BitwiseNativeArrayView structure, which provides read-only access to individual bits in a NativeArray of uint values.


  • buffer The NativeArray of uint values containing the bits to be viewed.
  • startIndexInBits The starting bit index within the NativeArray to begin the view.
  • lengthInBits The length, in bits, of the view. The view is constrained to this length, but may be shorter than the provided NativeArray.

function ToBoolArray

bool[] ToBoolArray()

Converts the view to a boolean array. This involves a new array being created.

Return: An array of boolean values corresponding to the bits in the view.

function GetEnumerator

BitwiseNativeArrayView.Enumerator GetEnumerator()

Provides an enumerator for iterating over the bits in the BitwiseNativeArrayView.

function GetEnumerator

IEnumerator< bool > IEnumerable< bool >. GetEnumerator()

function GetEnumerator

IEnumerator IEnumerable. GetEnumerator()

Public Property Documentation

property Count

int Count;

Gets the total number of bits in the view.

property Length

int Length;

Gets the total number of bits in the view.

property this[int index]

unsafe bool this[int index];

Gets the value of the bit at the specified index.


  • index The index of the bit to retrieve.

Return: The value of the bit at the specified index.

property IsCreated

unsafe bool IsCreated;

Gets a value indicating whether the BitwiseNativeArrayView is created.